Reasons To Use Wheel Balancer

By Johnny Keys

The investment of new tires can be very costly. This is why a wheel balancer should be used when the technician mounts them. It can also cause a very uncomfortable ride if they are not balanced. With the cars being very light now, it can make it worse.

The balance is caused by a weight difference from side to side. This could be less than an ounce. Technology is another thing that determines how well a tire will ride. Oversized tires will be more important to keep balanced. A lower profile tire will also let the driver feel every vibration from an out of balanced tire and every little bump in the road.

Some people will describe a feeling of a hop. This is caused by a static imbalance usually. Other people will say that it feels like their tire is wobbling. This would be a dynamic imbalance if it is caused from the tires. By putting counter weights in certain spots on the tires, it will put it back into balance. The wheel balancer will show a technician where it needs to be.

A tire that is balanced correctly will have a smooth and even wear to it. This is help to make it last longer. It is important to have this balanced every time you have work done to your car, even an alignment. A small bump or a pothole in the road will affect the tire balance.

If the front end is not aligned correctly, it may create a feeling of an out of balance tire also. It can also create a shorter life for your tires because they will not wear evenly even if they are properly balanced. This usually will cause them to wear on one side more than the other. This will create less weight on one side making them out of balance.

A wheel balancer will have a hard time balancing a wheel that is bent also. It is also important to rotate your tires regularly and have them balanced when this is done. Because it wears the tire when a car is driven, it can make create and imbalance.

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when trying to keep your tires balanced. A trained technician will be able to use a wheel balancer and get them aligned. When you buy a new tire to have mounted, they will normally balance them automatically when they put them on your rim.

About the Author:

Johnny Keys has been around in the automotive industry for over ten years and has a vast experience in the wheel balancer. Please look at our section of wheel balancers in Unique version for reprint here: Reasons To Use Wheel Balancer.

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